Threshold is the physical gateway to the Underverse, the Promised Land of the Necromonger Empire. It is the place which all Necromongers be they high or low, wishes to gaze upon before their time comes, and the gateway each Lord Marshal must cross to prove themselves worthy of leadership.
The Threshold was discovered by transcended Covu, who wandered space with the corpses of his wife and children in search for a place where his enemies, the Austeres, could not follow. He alone of all his meager crew dared to enter. He returned only minutes later, but seemed years wiser, and radiated an aura of power unlike anything seen before. He claimed his family was no longer dead, that they had risen from their sleep and walked again in the 'verse on the far side of this magnificent Threshold; a glorious place he called "Underverse."
Armed with his newfound strength and knowledge, Covu founded what would become known as the Necromonger Empire, a religious civilization dedicated to escaping this universe and entering into the transcendent paradise of the Underverse.
Covu returned to the Threshold with his successor Oltovm after conducting a great and bloody war against his foes, converting his homeworld entirely to his new faith. It was an arduous journey, months long, but supremely worth the struggle. Oltovm described the Threshold as, "Surrounded by great tidal forces of space, treacherous to navigate near, but exotically beautiful, hinting at the dark wonders that lurk beyond." Days were spent waiting for the tidal forces around the Threshold to ease, and then finally the Threshold opened. Covu would leave this ‘verse with a smile on his face, leaving Oltovm to rule the empire in his stead.
Oltovm, intent on never losing his way to this remarkable place, erected hidden navigational markers that would lead him back. Never again would anyone doubt its existence. Once the way was charted, Oltovm initiated the construction of a portal around the Threshold, bending forces that could resist the vortices of space and tear open the Threshold on command. A trusted officer was tasked with guarding the Threshold against marauding races. His name was never recorded, so he is simply referred to herein as the Guardian of the Underverse. Said to be nearly three meters tall, the Guardian and his legion of faithful warriors will repel any non-Necromonger who may make unauthorized approach to this most holy of places. During those times when the Threshold is opened to admit a Lord Marshal on pilgrimage, the Guardian and his warriors must turn their backs upon it so that they might not gaze upon the holy glory of the Underverse.