Riddick Wiki

 I like the symbolism noted so far in this post & I have something odd to add. Having served in the Marines & having a keen interest in the emergent order of "systems" what struck me about the blade (& I'm pretty sure that It wasn't consciously intended)  Is that it has a somewhat "fractal" nature. the whole (blade) is made up of smaller (simularly sharp) peices. Much like how the individually ruthless (yet coded) behavior of the necromongers makes up the collective behavior of the whole. I like to think of this coincidence as symbolic. 

Riddicks ability to fearlessly see what is, as it is, enables him to make use of whatever is presented to him in the moment (including other peoples systems/limits). 

Lord Marshal Zhylaw (probably in an attempt to indocrinate Riddick) hands him the blade, after Riddick so masterfully used it, & then asks him what he thinks of it. Kinda like asking him (with pride) so now that you've made use of it, what do you think of my organization. & just like many organizations ran by a dictator "its a little heavy in the back end" LOL 

This also showed that Riddick was worthy of command over the order (even if it didnt last long, due to the adversarially hyper competitive code of the system). 09:17, April 13, 2015 (UTC)