Riddick Wiki

Perhaps Crematoria is tidal-locked, and the prison is built on the terminator line. The observed day and night changes could be due to wobble.

Thoughts on the science of Crematoria[]

Perhaps the reason Crematoria is so hot is not because it is particularly close to its parent star, but rather because the star is perhaps a hypergiant with an incredible luminosity. The planet may be far away enough to have rotation, but not far away enough to not be seared black during the day.

As for the atmospheric oxygen, I have always thought that perhaps the combination of the planet's intense volcanic activity combined with the explosive reaction of the surface rocks to the intense heat of the sun create a tenuous atmosphere that is just breathable. The temperature on the night side is about -300F. The liquid point of Oxygen is −368.77, so there wouldn't be any atmospheric ice. What I wonder more about is how the night side gets so cold. If there is an atmosphere that is thick enough to be breathable, I do not see how that much heat could radiate away so quickly.

I believe the reason the surface is not at its coolest just before sunrise is most likely because the intense hot winds from the areas already exposed to the sun begin blowing in before the sun actually rises, heating the air and surface rocks to an acceptable temperature. I wouldn't be surprised if the temperature was over 100 before the sun even cleared the horizon.PiccoloNamek 23:51, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

I have my own theory on Crematoria that I believe expands on the previous ones, and I'm happy others have their minds in the same place as my own.  It's a blast looking at a phenomenom and instead of saying "that's impossible!", figure out how it is possible (although extremely rare/unlikely).  I believe Crematoria is a super-earth with a small iron core and high proportion of silicate rock.  It may have once been an Oceanic world (miles deep global water ocean, thick atmo).  Thus it's gravity is around 1 G, even though it may have double the surface area of Earth.  Then, either the star expanded into a giant or the planet was thrown from it's normal orbit into a closer or highly eccentric one.  After centuries of being pummeled by thermal radiation, the ocean evaporated or retreated underground (explaining the underground springs and geothermal features).  The process is very recent geologically, although for the human explorers that discovered it it has always been as thus.  Large amounts of O2 were locked up in the surface and sub-surface geology, as the hydrogen from the once predominantly H2O atmosphere was quickly driven into space.  The O2 is locked up mostly in oxides, which can broken down by the intense heat.  The world rotates slowly, perhaps with 48 hour days, and as the sun scorches the crust water is vaporized along with O2.  A thin atmosphere then develops along a narrow band, with (unseen in the movie) storm fronts on the leading edge.  This band rushes into the near vacuum that existed on the night side (excluding 0.1 to 0.3 atm of nitrogen/argon) and temporarily produces a breathable, but thin, atmosphere.  After a few hours the thermal energy increases, igniting the O2 and creating the inversion wave (a front of burning atmosphere, vaporized rock, etc).  After it passes, only rock vapor and N2 is left.  The deadly inversion wave pushes O2 and H2O vapor ahead of it, high in the atmosphere, leaving the band of calm, cool atmosphere, a bubble between violent heat and bitter cold.  If one was shielded and could witness it, eventually the day side would calm down into a scorched, nearly airless desert of volcanic rock.  The process continues on and on, each time permanently destroying the "atmosphere" a bit more.  The crust begins to run out of O2 to give up, and grows increasingly drier.  It may last only a few centuries, but as humans have been there for only a short time, it seems like a permanent, natural process.  Soon the world will be an airless cinder, and with the water gone, geological activity will cease, leaving a world like Mercury.  This is just one theory of many, but thought experiments are fun (especially on exoplanetary science) 01:56, May 3, 2014 (UTC)Poisonousautumn

Building Construction on Crematoria[]

Here's a question: how the heck did they build 29.4 kilometers of underground tunnels (both the walk tunnel and sled), plus everything else underneath that for the prison, and not get scorched by the sun / frozen to death? They must've had like 1-2 hrs a day max to build anything before finally breaching far enough into the underground to build an enclosure and work during the day or night. And here's an even bigger question, for a prison that pays 700-800k per prisoner, such as, Riddick, is it really worth it!? Deathdealers747 (talk) 23:15, March 11, 2013 (UTC)

Heat temperature doesn't make sense.[]

I think perhaps a note, maybe add a "trivia" category, should be made that the temperature when the sun is out doesn't exactly match up with the temperatures needed for cremation, or the speed in which the Purifier incinerates. The temperature is noted to be around 700 degrees (give or take) in the sun. However for total incineration of the body, it requires 1800 degrees F. That's an 1100 degree difference. The purifier wouldn't burn away as he was shown to in a temperature around 700. At least, not as fast. He'd be able to walk some distance further before he crumples, and even then he wouldn't be reduced to no better than a pile of ash.

Toombs comment about Crematoria, I think is the most accurate to describe the place, recommend to add it to the "comments" section.[]

Toombs comment about Crematoria, I think is the most accurate to describe the place, recommend to add it to the "comments" section. The comment goes as follows:

Toombs: "If I owned this place and Hell, I'd rent this place out and live in Hell."

Hope you agree. ig@el.puuuchiii

It doesn't add anything to the page though, other comments at least give some detail on the workings of the place. This just basically says "it's a bad place".KillerZ (talk) 18:32, 24 January 2023 (UTC)