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The Helion Prime Campaign or the Invasion of Helion Prime was a conflict between the Necromonger Empire and Helion Prime's Military.


The Necromongers are a militant religious order who adhere to Necroism, a set of beliefs that states that life is antagonistic towards the natural state of the Universe. As such they continuously invade and convert worlds before destroying them with the Ascension Protocol.

While the Necromonger invasion was anticipated, the timing and scale of the attack was not known, to maintain the element of surprise the Necromonger fleet disguised itself as a comet.

The Invasion[]

The Necromongers attacked in full force; while seemingly suffering heavy casualties, the Necromongers' inability to feel pain allowed them to use swarm tactics, simply overrunning the defending Helion Forces.

Armed resistance continued throughout the occupation. Fearing reprisal from Riddick, Zhylaw prematurely ordered the Ascension Protocol despite still having forces on the planet.


Despite the Necromonger's initial victory it was short lived, as Vaako's attempt at killing Riddick had failed, Riddick soon returned initially to save Kyra. Upon seeing her conversion Riddick faces Zhylaw and ultimately slays him. The Necromongers "you keep what you kill" philosophy makes Riddick the new Lord Marshal, upon his elevation the Ascension protocol was aborted and the Necromonger forces left the planet and the system.
