Riddick Wiki

Cigarettes From Escape From Butcher Bay

There are many brands of cigarettes available throughout known space. Often in prisons they act as a form of currency, and are highly valued. Notably, Richard B. Riddick allegedly paid the doctor Cutter 20 Menthol Kools for his Eyeshine procedure.

Cigarette brands[]

The following packs are used in Escape from Butcher Bay. The port of the original to the Assault on Dark Athena engine has included changes to the order of the packs, warning labels, with some being scrubbed entirely.

Vanilla and Director's Cut
Assault on Dark Athena


  • At first cigarettes were used as a currency ingame, but when Universal Denomination was introduced, cigarette packages became collectibles, that would unlock extra content in Escape from Butcher Bay.
  • Curiously, it seems that between the original release and the Assault on Dark Athena upgrade, six cigarette packs got new artwork (1, 12, 13, 21, 38, 39), and all the warning labels were remade.