The Ascension Protocol is the last phase of all Necromonger invasions, whether the Necromonger invasion is successful or not. Once the Necromonger forces have been extracted, including the new converts from the conquered civilization, the Lord Marshal then activates the Conquest Icons on the planet's surface. These conquest icons send a wave of white and light blue energy which extinguishes all life on the conquered planet and scorches its surface.
Due to the half-dead nature of the Lord Marshal, as the other Necromongers are merely quarter-dead, only he can control the lever that activates the conquest icons. After the planet has been completely destroyed, the Necromongers will then exit the planet lifeless, leaving only the used Conquest Icons to remember any battles that took place. It is interesting to note that the Necromongers use smaller staff-like version of the conquest icons that have the same effect, but with a shorter range. These staffs are held by Necromonger captains, and are typically used to destroy powerful enemy positions.
The Ascension Protocol was first used when the newly formed fleet of the Necromonger Empire, during the reign of Naphemil, departed from Asylum, which became known among Necromongers as Ascension Day. [1]
When Riddick unintentionally becomes the new Lord Marshal after the invasion of Helion Prime, he deactivates the Ascension Protocol and orders the Necromonger armada to leave the planet to go to the Underverse.