Aquilans were a renowned force in their sector of the galaxy hailing from Aquila Major, being a significant peaceful and philosophical force by nature. Their massive exploration campaigns have charted a recorded 63% of current known space, and through the use of The Aquilian Outpost Network, that number continued to grow before their eventual defeat at the hands of the Necromonger Empire.
These achievements were overshadowed only by the Aquilian Security Corp; throughout their interplanetary history the A.S.C had managed to repel all hostile alien forces (except the Necromongers), yet continued to successfully spread their (The Aquilans') philosophy of benevolence and increase their sphere of galactic influence.[1]
In The Chronicles of Riddick, near the beginning of the film, the Necromonger Empire destroys the planet Aquila Major, later, Abu al-Walid tells Riddick that the entire Aquilan System has been destroyed by the Necromonger Empire.[2]