Riddick Wiki

"I should have taken the money."

Alexander Toombs is the tertiary antagonist of The Chronicles of Riddick. He is a mercenary bounty hunter going after Riddick.



Toombs' early life is unknown. Due to his experiences as a mercenary, his personality is humorous yet obsessive and cold-hearted, implying that he is an adept and seasoned mercenary.

Aboard Kublai Khan

To be continued

Toombs looks into the unknown, thinking about catching Riddick.

At some point, Toombs was hired aboard the mercenary vessel Kublai Khan and put into cryo-sleep. He was unfrozen to help recapture loose Riddick, only to be ambushed and nearly killed by a creature Antonia Chillingsworth had sent after the furyan. Despite Riddick escaping from the mercenary spaceship, Toombs resolved to catch him, whatever it took.

Hunt for Riddick

Going after Riddick, Toombs hired a newbie bounty hunter to help him find the furyan. Later, with five years passing since the Kublai Khan hunt, Toombs learned of Riddick's exact whereabouts and led a crew to capture him on U.V.6. After a short clash, the furyan hijacked his ship and left the mercenary to die on the icy planet.

Catching the furyan

As Riddick ran from the Necromongers on Helion Prime, Toombs, who managed to escape from U.V.6, with the new crew, destroyed the ship pursuing Riddick and finally captured the furyan.



Toombs "negotiating" with Crematoria staff.

Toombs took Riddick to Crematoria Slam Facility. Unsatisfied with the initial price for bringing him in, he stayed in the prison negotiating. Ultimately, Toombs' stay ended in a gunfight between him and his crew and the prison staff after the latter learned that mercenaries unintentionally led the Necromongers to Crematoria. Riddick used this to break free and escape. In the process, he locked Toombs in a cage between two Hellhounds, leaving him for dead for the second time.


Toombs And Hell Hounds

Toombs left for dead again.

  • Initially, Toombs was to die on screen with the scene having already been shot, but ultimately it was decided to leave his fate unknown, and the scene was reshot.
  • Going after Riddick, Toombs kept a personal chase log, seemingly obsessed with catching the furyan.


